Sunday 22 November 2015

10 mistakes which make us to be over weighted | 10 Best Tips to lose weight loss


Losing of weight is all about some healthy diet and common sense.Many of us will not follow these rules which against our good health.Here are the some tips which helps you in losing weight just check out below all the tips.

1) Eat slowly

Research has shown that many are over weighted due to not not chewing the food properly.Savour and enjoy the food what you had eat don't make hurry and take time to chew your food.Macrobiotic practitioners advise chewing the food allows the enzymes in the saliva to start the digestive process.

2)Stop eating before you feel full

Do not eat food if you feel the stomach is full because it takes approximately 20 minutes for the stomach to tell the brain that it is full!.Over excess of taking food also make discomfort and it makes you over weight very quickly.The digestive system will become very slow to digest the food.

3)Never skip meals.

When losing weight, it is important to maintain an even blood sugar level to prevent hunger.
 If you skip a meal you are more likely to give in to a craving.

4)Don't check the weight regularly

Try to avoid checking weight regularly when you are on diet process, because weight loss is a very long process when you are checking weight every day result will not seen and then you may become disheartened if you don’t drop pounds as quickly as you would like.

5)Use a smaller plate.

Eating in longer plate will not feel that you had eaten enough food and you will take more amount.Try to get food in smaller plate for a simple way to make you feel fuller.

6)Reduce your alcohol intake

Alcohol is a source of empty calories and cutting down is an excellent way of increasing weight loss

7)Eat high fibre foods

High fibre foods are the dieters' friends as complex carbohydrates release energy slowly and keep you full for longer. 

8)Keep hydrated

If possible drink about six to eight glasses of water, or other fluids per day. Water is essential for the healthy functioning of the body and often we can mistake thirst for hunger. Water will also make you feel fuller, if you have a mid-afternoon craving try drinking a big glass of water and see if you are still hungry ten minutes later.

9)Avoid temptation

When shopping try not to buy snacks and sweets for other members of the family, you will be doing them a favour if you stock up on fruit, nuts and seeds instead. Unsuitable food can be stored in a box at the back of a cupboard as out of sight is, hopefully, out of mind.


Weight loss occurs when more calories are expended than ingested and the most effective way of maximising your weight loss programme is by incorporating regular exercise into your routine.

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